Telspy - Number Statistics and Lookup

Have you been called by a number you don’t recognise? Wondering how many others are searching for the same number? Telspy provides a free overview of the most searched telephone numbers and statistics all over the world.

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Comments on the most frequently searched phone numbers

  1. reported 111 service with the number +441233743748 as trustworthy number

    +441233743748 (Ashford (Kent)) - Details anschauen
  2. ali d reported Schutzperfekt24 with the number +491742728647 as trustworthy number

    +491742728647 (Vodafone) - Details anschauen
  3. Saul Goodman reported saul goodman with the number +15055034455 as trustworthy number

    I'm Gonna Be A Damn Good Lawyer, And People Are Gonna Know About It. Better Call Saul!!!

    +15055034455 (New Mexico) - Details anschauen
  4. Nolen S reported CRA collectors (scam) with the number +18888638657 as Telephone terror

    Con artists; I questioned the man, pointing out that CRA has access to more personal information about me than my family does. He called me, so it must be fairly stupid of him to ask for information he should have known previously. Said he wanted to be sure it was me. Inform them to mail anything in an envelope.

    +18888638657 (Toll-free telephone number) - Details anschauen
  5. Jose reported Fausse prime with the number +33162134898 as Cost trap

    Appel en disant que j’ai droit à une prime bla-bla-bla… arnaque pour avoir informations bancaires.

    +33162134898 (Appel commercial) - Details anschauen
  6. reported unknown with the number +4921174077041 as Telephone terror

    +4921174077041 (Düsseldorf) - Details anschauen
  7. iPhone reported unknown with the number +4917612176892 as Sweepstakes and lottery

    +4917612176892 (O2 (Germany)) - Details anschauen
  8. Vernon WA reported Pearson Lock attorneys with the number +441615201138 as Telemarketer

    Had multiple calls from this number, they are calling about a mis-sold finance for a vehicle. They want to represent me.

    +441615201138 (Manchester) - Details anschauen
  9. reported unknown with the number +33948000386 as Telephone terror

    Personne agressive essayant d’arnaquer

    +33948000386 (Appel commercial) - Details anschauen
  10. RüBe reported SMS spam with the number +4915209050858 as SMS spam

    015209050858 SMS=> Wir können Ihre UPS Paketsendung leider nicht zustellen. Ihre Mithilfe ist zwingend erforderlich:

    +4915209050858 (Vodafone) - Details anschauen
  11. Berney SL reported Mobile contract scam with the number +442078713855 as Telephone terror

    Many calls from this number saying they are O2. There was nothing in the call to suggest this is true.

    +442078713855 (London) - Details anschauen
  12. FVoigt reported unknown with the number +4915209050767 as Unknown

    Soll angeblich die deutsche Bank sein. Habe dort kein Konto, ist also eine pishing-Nachricht

    +4915209050767 (Vodafone) - Details anschauen
  13. death reported unknown with the number +393501580343 as Telephone terror

    +393501580343 (Operatori virtuali Tim (cellulare)) - Details anschauen
  14. Android reported unknown with the number +393534345020 as Aggressive advertisement

    +393534345020 (Cellulare) - Details anschauen
  15. Mayaluga reported unknown with the number +393501744417 as Telephone terror

    +393501744417 (Operatori virtuali Tim (cellulare)) - Details anschauen
  16. iPhone reported Rompi Balle with the number +393501639120 as Aggressive advertisement

    Buongiorno un caxxo

    +393501639120 (Operatori virtuali Tim (cellulare)) - Details anschauen
  17. iPhone reported unknown with the number +393281622504 as Telephone terror

    +393281622504 (Wind (cellulare)) - Details anschauen
  18. Android reported Krankenhaus with the number +4943214054256 as trustworthy number

    +4943214054256 (Neumünster) - Details anschauen
  19. reported unknown with the number +441313662069 as Unknown

    +441313662069 (Edinburgh) - Details anschauen

The Top 200 most searched numbers on

# * PhoneNumber Country
1 - +49891247111346 1165 953648 49
2 - +49891247114371 585 809799 49
3 - +49541200720 483 735732 49
4 - +492283822567 794 671943 49
5 - +491793000333 187 722609 49
6 - +492317257820 1515 759055 49
7 - +493022957920 596 700556 49
8 - +498003302424 108 446812 49
9 - +390692939297 164 480481 39
10 +7 +498999727961 502 448756 49
11 - +3902454001 683 407740 39
12 - +390409835400 173 429910 39
13 - +4921156156001 186 423881 49
14 -1 +493092702890 480 351346 49
15 - +441315614532 197 368361 44
16 - +390350460165 1352 353988 39
17 - +491771781156 134 347069 49
18 -1 +498008003436 126 322646 49
19 - +33424 72 340025 33
20 - +390239594900 408 325730 39
21 - +390239623790 522 317703 39
22 - +4922838200104 224 312349 49
23 - +49891247113728 310 293400 49
24 - +496998660724 101 303267 49
25 - +33972723949 119 300070 33
26 - +390280887589 125 294400 39
27 - +498922061040 296 282306 49
28 - +492345074289 280 264618 49
29 - +497219600 150 218375 49
30 -1 +4936166390251 154 222355 49
31 - +390350951748 224 244135 39
32 - +3902367009 234 209196 39
33 -1 +498999727960 397 239245 49
34 - +4917650642602 483 222601 49
35 +7 +498003301000 375 154225 49
36 - +390864957001 187 212919 39
37 - +4313367633 111 203289 43
38 - +4917672358 291 210211 49
39 - +33568 45 210861 33
40 - +393518995011 97 202020 39
41 - +33377 31 198404 33
42 - +390243371010 180 195163 39
43 - +33644643366 239 191572 33
44 +6 +4961195003199 352 190352 49
45 +1 +4936138039578 162 184199 49
46 - +442070237935 680 181715 44
47 - +49402850430050 199 176885 49
48 - +4940853753599 244 163177 49
49 - +393492002020 102 173707 39
50 -1 +33270 42 173965 33
51 - +33695600011 59 170943 33
52 -1 +390239623793 184 170459 39
53 - +491712523311 57 150765 49
54 - +390115524000 216 162969 39
55 - +390645230025 285 161638 39
56 - +393490009999 261 160495 39
57 - +493419950162 286 161245 49
58 - +442033222305 45 157924 44
59 - +12024558888 167 157325 1
60 +1 +4928347090977 77 154721 49
61 +7 +431206092080 122 153050 43
62 -1 +498971676000 55 147300 49
63 - +4991188185889 103 149710 49
64 -1 +41445550600 211 143352 41
65 +6 +498003302220 174 146087 49
66 - +49221945760580 93 146103 49
67 -1 +498003338686 143 143759 49
68 - +4915238975402 156 142365 49
69 - +494041478722 130 140338 49
70 -1 +390909430444 132 127471 39
71 - +498004763805 124 138117 49
72 - +49402850430051 221 133086 49
73 - +493092702864 159 133088 49
74 +3 +390299961903 139 132887 39
75 - +49402850430052 267 132302 49
76 - +393200004200 72 129582 39
77 - +393487409754 207 128114 39
78 - +498007244306 106 129034 49
79 -1 +498004763803 114 129208 49
80 -1 +498004555540 101 127750 49
81 - +4373290353 95 113609 43
82 - +33948 36 124706 33
83 -1 +443456081878 70 124538 44
84 - +4922855005560 121 124145 49
85 +5 +12069220880 139 122984 1
86 - +4922838200242 167 122814 49
87 - +33756780756 86 121798 33
88 - +3902668978 324 121794 39
89 +2 +491379101112 45 110806 49
90 +1 +39349 27 120585 39
91 - +4934521973030 92 114032 49
92 - +393490000190 297 116598 39
93 - +49228184990 280 151056 49
94 +3 +491771781013 132 114288 49
95 - +390299961900 130 114905 39
96 - +49151 51 114946 49
97 - +4920143716000 151 106858 49
98 - +49157 61 110974 49
*Changes during the last days